ISO Training Courses

Suspension Withdrawn & Restore Process

work process – 1

Suspension of certificate(s) process.

The existing certificate(s) of the client organization shall be for suspended if in case fails to meet the requirements of applicable management system and fails to comply with the ABI Certification terms and condition given below:

ABI shall suspend certification in cases when,

  • The clients of the certified management system have consistently or seriously failed to meet certification requirements, including those associated with the system’s effectiveness;
  • The certified client does not allow security checks or recertification audits to be conducted at the required frequencies;
  • The certified customer has requested the suspension;
  • Misuse of ABI certification Logos and ISO Vector logos
  • Misuse of UAF certification logo
  • Client Organization will not use or present the use of certification document in a false method or spread such statements.
  • Client Organization fails to amend all advertising matter when the sector and scope of certification has been reduced
  • Found using logo of ABI or Accreditation Board in such manner as to bring ABI or to Accreditation Body into disrepute and not to make any misleading or unauthorized statement or incorrect references (such as claiming certification of locations/ activities/ sites not covered in the scope) with respect to their certification.
  • Fees and / or expenses incurred by ABI are not paid / cleared and also in the opinion of the auditor that the terms of business of ABI you are complying with, is not established
  • Found using reference to its management system certification to be used in such a way, as to imply that ABI has certified a product or services or process
  • Found claiming that the awarded certification applies to activities that are outside the sector and scope of certification.
  • Found using certification in such a manner that would bring the ABI and/for certification system into disrepute or loose public trust.
  • Found using ABI and accreditation logo on any test report or certificate is not allowed stating/indicating that the tests are approved

Under suspension, the client’s management system certification is temporarily invalid.

The suspension would not exceed four months.

Where ever required by the law or by regulatory authority, ABI shall provide the information about certificate granted, suspended or withdrawn to the regulatory authority for the applicable management system scheme

Withdrawing or reducing the scope of certification process.

Under the withdrawal of certification,

  • Upon withdrawal the organization shall return the original certification and other related documents.
  • Upon suspension and withdrawal of certification, the Organization shall discontinue its use of all advertising matter that contains reference to certification as directed by ABI.
  • The Client Organization can restore the Certificate with six months of suspension to the conditions it was warned about in accordance with the circumstance in which the Certificate was suspended.
  • legal action shall be taken against such client
  1. If found using the logo of ABI, UAF & IAF.
  2. If found claiming certification after suspension or withdrawn
Withdrawing or reducing the scope of certification process. – 1

Process for restoring suspended certification

Process for restoring suspended certificatio